Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The mad throb
The dawn broke!
The long wait was knit!
How I find the meaning for anything so meaningless, which once was not!
Where I start meaning every word I say,
When life's craziest moments seems so serious!
Where I always wish to live in the magical caress
and love to die in that killing look of your eyes !
Where every light reminds me of you.
And the silent night, talks to me about you!
Where I could see you with my eyes closed.
How I wish to see you when my eyes open!
To live with you, where our togetherness-moment would be paused!
To talk with you at the dusk
and to wake up near you every morning !
God is great,
for He has beautifully carved our fate !
The pursuit of paradise, of mine,
My dear Valentine!

-Mary Preethi.S
The mad throb:

This poem talks about the phases a girl would feel when she is in love. When she has just fallen for someone. It says about the craziness of love. I feel love needs to be crazy, because there are many other things that can be ordinary. It continues with the seriousness and the perseverance aspects. The want of both the hearts to be together, no matter what, counting only the blessings. So, there is method in this madness, which is beautiful and I call it love.